Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Review - The Little Book That Beats the Market

"The Little Book That Beats The Market" by Joel Greenblatt is easily the investment book of the year. In fact, it's the best investment book that I've read in many years. In 130 pages, which can easily be read in a couple of hours, Greenblatt gives the reader a stunningly simple, crystal clear formula for beating (make that trouncing) the market that anyone -- and I mean anyone -- can follow.

Joel Greenblatt is a professor of securities analysis at Columbia University as well as the founder and managing partner of Gotham Capital, a hedge fund with average annualized returns of 40% for over twenty years. When it comes to great investors, he's among the best of the best.

Greenblatt has an entertaining and humorous writing style that makes each page fun to read. And, like most great teachers, he has a knack of explaining sophisticated financial concepts in a common sense, down-to-earth way that a sixth grader could easily understand and enjoy. In fact, the book begins with Greenblatt using Jason, an 11-year old boy with a chewing gum business as an example (he buys gum for 25 cents a pack and sells each stick at school for 25 cents for a a pack profit).

Book Review - The Little Book That Beats the Market

He asks his young son, "Ben, if Jason offered to sell you half of his business, how much would you pay?" As Ben thinks about how much Jason's business might earn during his years in school, Greenblatt explains that evaluating the value of businesses so he can buy them a bargain price is what he does for a living.

"The Little Book That Beats The Market" is about how to find good businesses to buy at bargain prices. By buying shares of companies for much less than what they're worth you, the investor, will have a large "margin of safety" that will lead to safe and consistently profitable investments.

So the plan is to buy a percentage interest (shares) of good businesses at bargain prices. That's how to make a lot of money. How do you find these businesses? Are you going to have to learn how to pour over balance sheets and income statements and do sophisticated financial analysis? Not at all. And that's the beauty of the Little Book. Greenblatt gives you a simple "Magic Formula" that you can use to find great investment opportunities.

A good business is one that can invest its own money at a high rate of return. In other words, a good business is one that can earn a high return on capital. There is more than one way to determine return on capital. The formula that Greenblatt uses is operating profit as a percentage of net working capital and net fixed assets. The higher the return on capital the better the business.

So now you know how recognize a good business. But how do you know when a good business is being sold at a bargain price so you can make a lot of money? Greenblatt uses earnings yield to determine that. As with return on capital, there are various ways to determine earnings yield. Greenblatt uses operating profit as a percentage of enterprise value (market value of equity plus net interest-bearing debt). The higher the earnings yield the better the bargain.

The only Magic Formula you need to discover good companies selling at bargain prices is to find the ones with the best combination of a high return on capital and a high earnings yield. However, that still requires a certain amount of actual work (yikes!). And it requires a familiarity with terms like "operating profit," "working capital," "fixed assets," "enterprise value" and the like. So Greenblatt has even made that part easy for you. He has a free website (magicformulainvesting.com) that identifies good companies being sold at a big discount.

All you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions in the book and go to the website to find the best investment opportunities. That's literally how simple it is.

Following this simple, common sense approach has worked extremely well over the years. Over the past 17 years, owning a portfolio of about 30 stocks that had the best combination of a high return on capital and a high earnings yield would have returned approximately 30.8% per year. As the Little Book says, "Investing at that rate for 17 years, ,000 would have turned into well over million."

There are a couple of questions you should be asking yourself at this point:

1. If these are such good businesses, why would someone want to sell their shares to me at a discounted price?

2. Since this guy has put the Magic Formula in a book and even on a free website, everybody will use it. How is it going to continue to work after everybody and his dog is aware of it?

Good questions. In fact, they're so good that "The Little Book That Beats The Market" answers them very well.

First of all, why would shares of good companies be trading at bargain prices? The short answer to that is nobody knows why market participants behave irrationally at times, but the fact of the matter is they do. The way Greenblatt proves that to his class of very bright business school students is by having them look at stock tables in the paper. Take Abercrombie and Fitch, for example. The stock closed yesterday at a share. But over the past year it has had a low of a share and a high of a share. So there's a a share difference between the high and low for the year. That's a big range in a short period of time.

Why is there such a big difference in the high and low of the stock price for a big well known company like Abercrombie and Fitch during a single year? After all, the profitability of the company didn't change that much.

Again, nobody knows why people behave like they do -- willing to sell their shares at a low price one moment but demanding a high price the next. Greenblatt's short answer to that is "Maybe people go nuts a lot." And, I guess, that answer is as good as any. But it doesn't matter what the answer is. The fact that it happens is the reason that you can get really good deals on very profitable businesses.

And, eventually, the market always gets it right. A good business will always ultimately be priced at its true value. Or as the father of value investing, Ben Graham (Warren Buffet's mentor), famously put it: In the short run, the market is like a voting machine -- tallying up which firms are popular and unpopular. But in the long run, the market is like a weighing machine -- assessing the substance of a company.

Why is the Magic Formula going to continue to work after everybody knows about it? That question is answered in the most important chapter in the entire book -- Chapter 8. The best thing about the Magic Formula, and the reason that it's going to keep working even after everybody knows about it, is that it doesn't always work. In fact, sometimes it doesn't work at all. There have even been times when the Magic Formula did worse than the overall market for as much as three years in a row. Isn't that wonderful?

It's wonderful because most people are not disciplined and patient enough to follow a winning formula that doesn't work for weeks, months, or even years at a time. Therefore, the Magic Formula will continue to work very well because very few people will have the discipline to stick with it. So there should be no worry about it losing its effectiveness. Most people won't use it simply because it doesn't work all the time. And that's wonderful news for the few who have the discipline and confidence to stick with it.

I'm not going to tell you that "The Little Book That Beats The Market" will make you rich, although I believe it can. I am going to tell you that if you'll pluck down twenty bucks or so for the Little Book, and if you'll spend the two hours it takes to read it, you'll be very glad you did.

(c) Larry Holmes

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Larry Holmes invites you to visit larrydholmes.com. You will learn about the culture of money: making it, investing it, managing it and collecting it.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Adult Friend Finder Reviews - Is It A Big Scam Or Genuine Fun For All?

I first started to hear about Adult Friend Finder about six months ago, to be honest though I actually thought it might not be all it was hyped up to be. I set about trying to find an Adult Friend Finder eReview site and came to the conclusion that they were all trying to sell me something. No where could I find a straight answer!

In the end I just took the plunge and joined Adult Friend Finder. I expected everyone who was hot in my area to vanish once I had paid my membership.

Now let's get something straight from the start, if you are looking to hook up with people in your area for social meetings etc then Adult Friend Finder is probably not the place to look. I'm fairly sure you will be able to find lots of 'agencies' in the local phone book.

Adult Friend Finder Reviews - Is It A Big Scam Or Genuine Fun For All?

Adult Friend Finder is an adult only community that is more geared towards sexual activities between adults, you can cover it up and call it a dating site if you want and perhaps you might just find it - If you're lucky.

This site can seem very complicated when you first join and to be honest it's because it is just so big! It's massive and you can find just about any type of person imaginable there. Not just a young lady friend or a hunky male specimen, be more specific down to chst size and up will come hundreds of results.

It took me ages to find out where everyone was and how to find them and I'm quite good with computers. But my real feelings on the site were a little different once I had the navigation under control!

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To find out what I really thought of Adult Friend Finder the click here to visit my own site [http://www.squidoo.com/Adult-Friend-Finder-Review-/] – I'll even show you inside Adult Friend Finder and where to find everything you can imagine!

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kellys Blue Book Vs NADA Vs Edmunds Guide - The Differences in Blue Book Automotive Price Guides

You'll always feel more confident that you got the best value when selling or buying a car if your entire transaction costs are near the average amount buyers in your area usually pay for the same manufacturer, model, year and version. However, finding the most accurate blue book for cars price guide may prove difficult. They all claim to provide unbiased fair market values for your car, however when compared, you will find significant discrepancies among the different price guides due to differences in their assessment methods. Among the most prominent, widely used and accepted automobile price guides are Kellys Blue Book for Cars, National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA Car), and Edmunds Guide. So, which is the most reliable guide among the three?

One sign of reliability is the assessor's years of experience in the market. Among the three, Kellys Blue Book for Cars is the oldest, first printed in 1926 and continuing to serve as a bastion of trustworthy information for over 80 years. Shortly thereafter in 1933, NADA printed its first Car Appraisal Guides. The youngest is Edmunds Guide, established in 1966. Of the three, Kellys Blue Book has the longest record of unparalleled service establishing it as a standard in car appraisal guides. The Blue Book for Cars has an established extensive database and proven methodology that is continually being refined.

Another signal of accuracy is the completeness of the data and how often the data is updated. Blue Book for Cars, NADA Car, and Edmunds Guide all offer similar info like new and used car private party and detail retail values, trade-in values, and tips on how to buy, sell or trade in your car. Moreover, all of them have easy-to-access websites that makes researching car details and car reviews easier. Then, in what way do they differ from each other?

Kellys Blue Book Vs NADA Vs Edmunds Guide - The Differences in Blue Book Automotive Price Guides

Aside from their websites, both KBB and NADA publish and regularly update easy-to-carry paperbacks in several versions that cater to the specific needs of its readers, only the Kellys Blue Book for Cars is published in its trademark blue color while NADA Car is bright yellow. Kellys Blue Book Used Car Guide is updated every 2 months, KBB New Car Guide is updated 4 times a year and KBB Consumer guides are updated twice a year. Meanwhile, the online data for Kellys Auction, Kellys Trade-in, Kellys  Wholesale Lending, and KBB Retail Values are updated weekly, making the information more useful for car dealers and buyers alike. In contrast, the NADA car consumer guide is updated 4 times a year and the online data is updated monthly. Edmunds Guide, on the other hand, has stopped printing its portable book version since 2006 making it difficult to carry a copy with you when negotiating the final price of your car. Moreover, it only updates its online True Market Value (TMV) pricing tools monthly. So if you want more up-to-date values for your car, it looks like Kellys Blue Book will serve you best.

Aside from the normal guide contents, both the Kellys Used Car Guide and NADA car consumer edition can also provide you with Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), easy-to-use equipment schedules with values for optional equipment, acceptable mileage range chart values, credit check service that can evaluate your credit score and what type of loan you could qualify for and retail values. However, Kellys Blue Book for Cars provides Retail Value for a longer time frame, more than 15 years compared to the less than 10 years covered by NADA Car. What's more, Kellys Blue Book will also give you information on your car's original list price, Kellys Auction (how much a vehicle is expected to sell for at wholesale auction), and Kellys Wholesale Lending (expected finance value of a fully reconditioned vehicle) values not found in other guides. Meanwhile, Edmunds Guide prides itself on providing the True Market Value (TMV) pricing for new and used vehicles, detailed histories on popular models, and Certified Used Vehicle Information. However, Kellys Blue Book, NADA Car, and Edmunds Guide retail or TMV prices do not factor in the buyer's credit details that could markedly affect the final price of your vehicle though they do have connecting sites that will help you apply for a loan in easy steps.

Hold on now, the most important determinant of reliability has yet to be discussed, and this is the accuracy of values provided by these guides. Many experts would tell you that the most accurate car price guide is one that gives vehicle values closest to the actual "selling price" in the market, which actually varies day-to-day and place to place. Prices for new cars are not much of an issue, but used car values differ significantly because of many factors, primarily the condition, age and mileage of your car. To get the most accurate value, one has to keep tabs and analyze a large quantity of private, dealer and auction data. That is a difficult feat at best, and to be fair, none of the three: Kellys Blue Book for Cars, NADA Car, nor Edmunds Guide offer absolutely true or accurate values based on the analysis of your car's present condition. In the end the one with the most expertise will probably provide the closest estimate and it is already an established fact that Kellys Blue Book has always been a leader and industry standard in car appraisal services.

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For more info on Kellys Blue Book and the other automotive price guides, NADA and Edmunds Guide, go to http://www.Kellys-Blue-Bk.com where we feature several articles on the blue book for auto price and valuation guides.
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety, leaving it intact and including the Author's Resource Box.
Thanks!! See you at Kellys-Blue-Bk.com!

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Book Review Template - Teaching Young Students Better Reading Comprehension

Most of us have at some time in our educational past had to write at least one book review, this is a common tool used by teachers to ensure that their students are actually reading the assigned books. They are also used by libraries and book stores as way to provide an insight into what a particular book is about as a way to encourage people to read it. A well written review might be all that it takes to convince a child to pick up a book and read it. Using a template for a book review is an easy way to make sure that it follows the right format for either printed or online use.

Before you go in search of the right template for your book review, you need to decide why you are writing the review and what medium you will be using to allow others to read it. You will need to use slightly different templates if you are writing a review that is to be printed out or one that will remain on the Internet. In many cases a teacher will print templates as a way to teach their students how to properly write book reviews as this will also help them to learn more about understanding what they are reading

If you are not sure where to find a template for a book review, the best place to look is online. You can use your favorite search engine which will likely turn up a wide variety of templates for you to choose from. This makes it much easier for you to download several different styles so that you can try them out and select the one that you like and will suit your project or needs the best. If you write several reviews over the course of a year you may even want to consider downloading several so that you can vary the appearance of your reviews.

Book Review Template - Teaching Young Students Better Reading Comprehension

Among the sections that the template should feature is an area dedicated to listing the basic information about the book such as the title, the author's name and when and where it was published. Following this there should be a place for a brief synopsis of what the book is about and perhaps an area to talk about the main character of the story. Finally if you are using the templates in a classroom setting there should be a section for the children to discuss what they did and did not like about the book and their favorite part of the story.

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If you are in need of review template, you may visit my website at book review templates [http://www.bookreviewtemplate.com]. And you will get helpful tips on Book Review Template [http://www.bookreviewtemplate.com].

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ines of My Soul- Book Review

Inés of My Soul is a daring novel, grand on any scale. Daring, because the writer has courageously confronted one of the bloodiest periods in South American history, taking sides neither with the conquistadors nor with the indigenous people; grand, because it is a vastly researched historical fiction as well as being a love story.

The story is told from the imaginary point of view of Inés Suárez from what she may have written in her diary when seventy years old. The diary's existence is also imaginary. Only a writer of Isabel Allende's stature would dare to tell this very complicated story in flashback and succeed so brilliantly.

In her diary, Inés addresses Isabel, her stepdaughter from her last marriage. In the first chapter, Inés Suárez says: "I beg you to have a little patience, Isabel. You will soon see that this disorderly narrative will come to the moment when my path crosses that of Pedro de Valdivia and the epic I want to tell you about begins."

Ines of My Soul- Book Review

Inés, a poor seamstress from Plasencia--a town in Spain, comes to the new world in a ship with her niece to search for her husband Juan de Málaga. In reality, she is determined to escape from poverty and the backward thinking of the society she was born into. When she learns her husband is dead, she tries to make it on her own with her nursing and housekeeping skills. When a man who was in the same ship with her tries to attack her, she kills him out of self-defense, but the ship's captain takes the body of the man from her house and discards it, keeping her name clear. After this, Inés wants to move on to other towns in the new world, partly with fear of being found out. It is at this time that she meets Pedro de Valdivia, the conquistador of Chile, and becomes his mistress.

Inés gets Pisarro's permission by saying that she knows dowsing and can find water in the desert; so, together with Valdivia she travels to Chile, crossing an impossible arid region and facing many hardships to establish the city of Santiago in the Mapocho Valley as a Spanish settlement. They call the new town, "Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura." The date is February 12, 1541.

In this settlement, cut away from Peru because of distance and dreadful travel conditions, the group faces a terrible struggle against chief Michimalonko's fierce Mapuche Indians. Inés's story continues until 1580 when she is writing her memoirs at age seventy as a rich and successful widow but somewhat boastful and full of pride.

Even if the story is filled with battles, cruelty, and blood and gore, the central theme is the passionate love and companionship between two lovers. The relationship between Pedro and Inés is that of a fairy tale, passionate, loving, and full of communication. Even if Pedro changes from an idealistic man to a man of greed eventually, his love for Inés survives to his last breath.

Although Isabel Allende, through Inés, does not lionize or conceal the brutality of the conquistadors, she romanticizes the idea of establishing settlements in the new world and the exploits of those who went through so much to conquer the continent. Inés, a remarkable woman who comes up with solutions to most problems the people of the settlement face in the new world, is portrayed as the modern women's rights advocates would like to see a heroine. How much of this idealizing might have come close to the truth is debatable.

Inés of My Soul is the fifteenth book for Isabel Allende. In this book, too, her narrative style takes over the story, but her delightful storytelling with the exciting twists and turns in her narration grip the reader fully and make him want not to leave a word unread.

Isabel Allende is a Chilean novelist who was born on August 2, 1942 in Lima, Peru. His books are: The House of the Spirits (1982), La gorda de porcelana (1984), Of Love and Shadows (1985), Eva Luna (1987), The Stories of Eva Luna (1989), The Infinite Plan (1991), Paula (1995, Afrodite (1997), Daughter of Fortune (1999), Portrait in Sepia (2000), City of the Beasts (2002), My Invented Country (2003), Kingdom of the golden dragon (2004), Forest of the Pygmies (2005), Zorro (2005), Ines of My Soul (2006), and Dos Palabras.

The book is in hardcover and 336 pages with ISBN-10: 0061161535 and ISBN-13: 978-0061161537.

As expected from Allende's wonderful storytelling, "Inés of My Soul" is a brilliant historical epic, full of excitement and suspense.

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Joy Cagil is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/joycag

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Review of Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One

The (somewhat) controversial novel Fifty Shades of Grey is the first book in a trilogy by EL James. It follows Anna, a naïve college senior and her extremely sexual relationship with young mogul Christian Grey.  Anna has a chance encounter with Christian when she helps her best friend by conducting an interview for the college paper with him at the last minute.  He soon makes her his submissive in an S and M lifestyle that Anna is completely unprepared for. They spend the remainder of the novel navigating this world as Anna examines whether she is really cut out for her new role.

 Fifty Shades of Grey is widely known as Mommy Porn because of the explicit sex scenes, of which there are many.  Hardly a page goes by without Christian and Anna having sex- in the bathroom, in the bedroom, and in The Red Room- a scary room of bondage devices where Christian brings his submissives.  However, the book isn't just about sex.  There is also a genuine love story between a young woman becoming an adult and the man she has deep feelings for.  Christian also finds himself caring for a woman for the first time in his life and it scares him to death. The struggle to decide if they can be a normal couple makes for some entertaining reading.

Many have argued that the James' writing is terrible and difficult to get through.  But this is not supposed to be a great literary work.  It was originally written as a piece of fan fiction based on the Twilight trilogy. It received such a huge following that it led to a publishing contract and a brand new life for James, a housewife from.  The rumor is that James will receive a 20 million dollar check this fall as her portion of the profits. Is Fifty Shades of Grey a classic? No.  But does it provide an escape to a world few know about and many are curious about?  Absolutely!

Review of Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One

James is not the first writer to struggle with dialogue.  If there is any question, take a look at some early works by Danielle Steel or even at Luke and Laura's conversations in the 80s.  But where are people getting the idea that James takes her own writing seriously?  She has admitted to being stunned by the success of the trilogy. So why does the public feel the need to attack her on a daily basis?

The cultural dialogue about the book has definitely influenced the book's attraction.  And taken for what it is- a love story with a lot of sex- it is perfect for anyone looking to escape their own lives, for a brief time.

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Fifty Shades Fan site dedicated to the Fifty shades of grey trilogy for fans to read the latest news on the movie casting and much more.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

15 Top Christian Books For Children

One way to instill Godly principles in your children is to read them Christian books from an early age. Even babies and toddlers benefit from hearing God's truth on a daily basis, and colorful picture books are a great way to expose them to biblical principles.

As editor of Christian Children's Book Review, I see a lot of books published for children of Christian families. Some are ho-hum at best, but here are a few gems that no family should be without.

Adeline by Kathryn Rathke. In this delightful tale, a little girl who loves Valentine's Day learns a lesson about the ultimate Valentine: God. For kids 4 and up. (Baker Books, 2004)

15 Top Christian Books For Children

Bible Animal Friends by Matt Mitter. With vivid illustrations, googly eyed animals, and rhyming text reminiscent of well-loved nursery rhymes, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers will love this volume. This book is a great way to start introducing Bible stories like Balaam and his donkey, the Egyptian plague, how ravens fed Elijah, and more. (Multnomah, 2007)

Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers by Joey Allen. This is actually a series of four books: The Scripture, The Gospel, The Trinity, and The Mission. Here is intelligent talk about what the Bible and specific Christian tenants are, explained in a way that young children (ages 3 to 7) can understand-and enjoy. (New Leaf Press, 2005)

God's Wisdom for Little Girls by Elizabeth George. If you have a girl, one of the key things you can teach her is what a Proverbs 31 woman is. George does an excellent job of explaining this important passage to 5 to 8 year old girls. (Harvest House Publishers, 2000)

I Can Talk with God by Debby Anderson. When it comes time to teach your children how to pray, this book is an excellent tool. The pictures are bright and colorful, and the truths of how to pray (and how God might answer) are told in an engaging, fun way. For kids 2 to 5. (Crossway Books, 2003)

I'd Be Your Hero and I'd Be Your Princess by Kathryn O'Brien. For children 4 to 8 years old, these books (one designed for boys, the other for girls) explain Godly characteristics and how important they are. I'd Be Your Princess won the Gold Medallion Book Award in recognition of excellence in evangelical Christian literature. (Standard, 2004 and 2005)

Little Girl's Bible Storybook and Little Boy's Bible Storybook by Carolyn Larsen are excellent choices for kids 6 to 9. Each tells Bible stories in an appealing fashion, and there are study sections throughout to help kids understand important biblical concepts. Best of all, there are ideas for parents on how to discuss these concepts with their children. (Baker Books, 1998)

Little One, God Made You by Amy Warren Hilliker. I began reading this book to my daughter when she was an infant. Now she's two, and she still loves it! The text is extremely simple and establishes one important fact: God made you and loves you just the way you are. For children 4 and under. (Zonderkidz, 2004)

Little One's Bible Verses by Stephen Elkins is a superb way to introduce even the youngest babies to God's word. With sweet illustrations of children and babies, plus notable quotes from Psalms, this is an excellent first "Bible." (Broadman & Holman, 2003)

Parables Jesus Told by Ella K. Lindvall. In simple words and colorful images, this book retells five parables, ending each with a brief explanation of how to apply the story to real life. The book is designed for 4 to 8 year olds, but many younger children will enjoy it, too. (Moody Publishers, 2000) Sidney and Norman, the Tale of Two Pigs by Phil Vischer. Pigs Sidney and Norman are opposites. One is messy, the other neat. One seems to always succeed, the other never does. Then they both meet God. One pig learns that God loves him just the way he is, while the other learns that God loves everyone...even messy neighbors. (Tommy Nelson, 2006)

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is an ideal Bible for kids 4 to 8, detailing 43 stories from Genesis through Revelation. Each story in some way relates to Jesus and who he is, giving children the big picture of what God is all about. The text is engaging, as are the illustrations. (Zonderkidz, 2007)

The Lord is My Shepherd by Hans Wilhem. The greatness of this book is its simplicity. The text of Psalm 23-one of the most beautiful and comforting passages in the Bible-is paraphrased in kid-friendly language that clings closely to a modern translation. This book is another great way to introduce even the youngest children to the Word of God. For babies on up. (Scholastic, 2007)

Wait Until Then by Randy Alcorn. Any parent who wants to explain what happens to us when we die, how to deal with the death of a loved one, and how to cope with serious disappointment will want to read this book with their child. Beautifully written and illustrated, for kids 9 to 12. (Tyndale, 2007)

Will: God's Mighty Warrior by Sheila Walsh. Very few Christian books are targeted specifically to boys, so Will is a welcome addition. For 4 to 8 year olds, this book teaches children about the armor of God in a kid-friendly way. (Thomas Nelson, 2006)

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Kristina Seleshanko is the editor of Christian Children's Book Review (http://www.ccbreview.blogspot.com), which won two Litty Awards in 2007 (Best Christian Litblogger and Best KidLit Litblogger). She's also the author of 16 books.

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