Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to Win the Heart of a Taurus Man - Tips to Make Him Want Only You

You're wondering how to win the heart of a Taurus man. You've met him and he's amazing, isn't he? He's a Taurus and you know that with the right approach you can make him just as crazy about you as you are about him. The problem is that you're a bundle of nerves around him. You don't want to do the wrong thing for fear of pushing him away and killing whatever interest is there. Fear not. You can get that Taurus man of your dreams to fall hopelessly in love with you. The secret is to know what these men find utterly irresistible in a woman and then showing him that you possess each and every one of those qualities.

Understanding how to win the heart of a Taurus man begins with recognizing that these men don't fall into the category of party animals. If you prefer going out on the town to a quiet evening at home, you have to change your preference quickly. Taurus men love nothing more than having a romantic dinner with their girl and then cozying up on the couch for an evening of movies and popcorn. If you invite him over for a meal that you've cooked, you already will have won some points in his book. He wants a partner who prefers a quiet and reserved life. Show him that's who you are and he'll be attracted to you right away.

Book Reviews

Men born under this sign are frugal. If you're hoping for extravagant gifts from your Taurus you'll have to alter your expectations. That's not to say that they don't like spending any money. They do as long as it's for something that is necessary and the price is right. That's the very reason you shouldn't be flaunting your new, expensive pair of shoes in front of your guy. If he knows that you foolishly purchased something you can't quite afford, he'll see you as reckless and irresponsible. He's looking for someone who values a dollar just as much as he does.

How to Win the Heart of a Taurus Man - Tips to Make Him Want Only You

Trying to make a Taurus jealous in an effort to win his heart is a disaster in the making. These men are notoriously possessive of the women they care for. If he feels you're wandering off with another man, he'll dump you without another thought. Don't ever toy with the heart of a man like this. It will surely backfire in your face and any chance you may have had for a happily-ever-after future with him will be gone.

How to Win the Heart of a Taurus Man - Tips to Make Him Want Only You

Every woman has the power to make her Taurus man fall in love with her. You can have a deep, undying emotional connection with him. Learn the specific techniques that will make you completely and utterly irresistible to him by clicking here.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Fat Loss Factor Review - Pros & Cons Of Dr Michael Allen's Program

The Fat Loss Factor by Dr Michael Allen is a very popular fitness and diet program.

In this Fat Loss Factor review we will take a look at this product and see what are the pros and cons of Dr Michael Allen's fitness program.

Book Reviews

The Fat Loss Factor Review - What Exactly Is This Program?

The Fat Loss Factor Review - Pros & Cons Of Dr Michael Allen's Program

Created by Dr. Michael Allen, a board certified chiropractic physician, certified wellness practitioner and certified advanced nutritionist, the Fat Loss Factor is a 12 week program that is based on Michael Allen's combination of strength training and nutritional guidelines.

The principle behind the diet plan is to cleanse the body first of toxins, before embarking on a diet that focuses on eating foods that are considered metabolism boosters, such as proteins and complex carbohydrate fibers.

The Fat Loss Factor package is very comprehensive and in brief here are the main things that you will get when purchasing the product:

*The Program Main eBook

*The Master Cleanse Videos

*The Workouts Plans

*The Exercise Log

*The FooJoo Software

*The Goal Setting Guide

*The 15 Minute Workouts

*Grocery Shopping List

*The Recipes eBook

*The Fat Loss Factor Measurements Forms

Now, to understand better what you can expect from this program let's talk about some of the pros and cons of Dr. Michael Allen's program:

The Fat Loss Factor Review - The Pros And Cons

The Pros

Easy To Follow

The Fat Loss Factor by Dr. Michael Allen truly provides an easy to follow plan that is suitable for people with real lives. While it does focus on good nutrition and exercise, it won't require you to change your entire life to see results.

The Program Can Be Customized To Suit An Individual's Needs

After the very first two weeks of the program (when your body is clean of toxins), you begin a much more balanced eating plan coupled with rigorous workouts. One of the best things about this program is that it consists of detailed workout plans for three different levels of trainees: beginner, intermediate and advanced, so you are able to do these workouts regardless of your current fitness level.

Lifetime Updates

When you purchase the program you get one year of personal email coaching from Dr. Michael Allen and his wife Lori.
Another important thing is that you also get free lifetime updates to any ways that will make the program faster, better or easier in the future.

Money Back Guarantee

There is 60 days full money back guarantee to Dr. Michael Allen's program so actually you can try the program for 60 days with no risk at all.

The Cons

Requires Commitment

The program is easy to read and the guidelines are simple to apply but this program does require a lot of commitment on your part.
You will also need to make few changes in your eating habits and to workout regularly in order to get the best results from Dr. Michael Allen's program.

You May Pay More For Food

You may have to spend a little more money on your foods as you will be encouraged to buy organic produce and replace some of the foods that you are eating with healthier alternatives that can cost you more.

The First Two Weeks Are Not Easy

The initial detoxification two weeks period may be difficult for some of us.

The Fat Loss Factor Review - The Bottom Line

Overall The Fat Loss Factor is a proven and very effective weight loss system that will shows you step by step how to successfully burn your body fat and lose those pounds using solid principles of healthy diet and correct exercise and there is no doubt that this program combine all three pillars of fat loss success: Nutrition, Strength Training and Cardio Training in a very impressive way.

However it is important to realize that the Fat Loss Factor is not a panacea that will magically remove any fat and If you are looking for a "lose 10 pounds in 10 days magical programs", then The Fat Loss Factor is probably not for you.

If you really want to get the best results from Dr. Michael Allen's fitness program you must be diligent at following the Fat Loss Factor. This is going to take discipline and commitment from you, although the results are waiting just around the corner and are perfectly achievable.

The Fat Loss Factor Review - Pros & Cons Of Dr Michael Allen's Program

Are you ready to find out if The Fat Loss Factor is really the best fitness program for you? visit, get a free and in-depth report about this product and learn how you can get the complete program at the lowest price available today!

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Movie Review - Chronicle (2012) (PG-13)

Boys Will Be Super Boys

Chronicle makes a compelling case for what would happen if a group of teenage boys were to suddenly attain superhuman powers. They would not stare at each other in awe, as if they had just been touched by the hand of God. They would have fun with it, not just at their expense, but also at the expense of others. Initially, the boys in this film behave like the cast of Jackass, using their powers to pull dangerous stunts strictly for cheap thrills and a few laughs. They even pull pranks on unsuspecting people. One of them moves a parked car into a different parking space, leaving its owner confused. Another one sneaks into a toy store and makes a teddy bear float in front of a little girl, who can't be any older than six or seven. She understandably screams in terror. Once they get this out of their systems, I can see how they would then fly through the clouds and toss around a football, never once stopping to consider the idea that they might be in the flight path of a passenger jet.

Book Reviews

But what if these powers found their way into the life of a bullied, abused, socially awkward teen? At a certain point, it would no longer be enough to just have fun with it. In all likelihood, you would be pushed into using it against other people, people who have hurt you, humiliated you, ignored you for no real reason other than being who you are. High school can be a lot like that. The sad thing is that so few are willing to listen if someone is having a problem. It's common to even excuse teenage cruelty and hatred as "kids being kids." Some will look at this movie and see a reworking of the superhero genre, specifically the opening chapter in which the hero rises and the villain is unwittingly created. One could certainly make a case for such an interpretation. For whatever it's worth, I see it more as a sad parable about how mistreatment can only be tolerated for so long before a breaking point is reached.

Movie Review - Chronicle (2012) (PG-13)

Taking place in suburban Seattle, the film is constructed, as many films are nowadays, as a found-footage mockumentary. Much of the action is shot by the story's tragic figure, a high school senior named Andrew (Dane DeHaan) who has decided to document his life on videotape. His mother, whom he cares for deeply, lies in her bedroom dying of cancer. His father, an unemployed firefighter (Michael Kelly), is a bitter alcoholic who not only physically abuses Andrew but also blames him for all the family's troubles. At school, he's regularly picked on by many of the students. He gets along with his cousin, Matt (Alex Russell), although there's always the sense that it hasn't always been this way. One night, while attending a rave at an abandoned barn, Andrew, Matt, and a new friend named Steve (Michael B. Jordan) discover a hole in the middle of the woods and decide to go in. A quick journey through a series of underground tunnels leads to the discovery of a cavern containing... something mysterious.

They quickly discover that their exposure to the object in the cave has given them super powers, including telekinesis and the ability to fly. It's all fun and games until Andrew nearly kills a driver by pushing his car off the road and into a lake. Matt tries to establish some ground rules, although Andrew is less than receptive. Andrew then uses his powers to make himself more popular in school. Of course it works, but you can see his frustration building. These students are not really his friends; had he not performed amazing tricks at the school talent show, he would remain the outcast he had always been. And it's not as if his home life has improved any. There are stages to Andrew's emotional breaking point, but it begins when his mother is in dire need of an unaffordable prescription medication. In his distress, he begins to see himself as an apex predator, believing himself to be stronger and therefore more worthy than all other human beings.

Andrew's footage, filmed on a camera that he can make float in the air, is occasionally intercut with footage shot by a girl named Casey (Ashley Hinshaw), an internet blogger. Her purpose is pretty much limited to being a plot device, as she provides the audience with a camera perspective different from Andrew's. There are hints that she and Matt have a complicated romantic history, although it's alluded to so infrequently and comes off as so contrived that it begs the question of why it was included in the first place.

And then there's the issue of the film's found-footage style, which was obviously chosen for its current marketability, especially in the horror genre. It works fairly well at first, but it gradually loses credibility until a climactic superhero-like duel on the streets of Seattle, at which point the illusion has shattered entirely. That's because we not only have Andrew's camera, but also surveillance equipment, police videos, civilian cell phones, and dozens of camcorders that just happen to be flying around Andrew and Matt as they hover near the Space Needle. I would think that, at that stage of the story, Andrew would long since have stopped documenting his life. The best bet would have been to shoot Chronicle with an ordinary omniscient camera. I don't think any of the film's more compelling aspects would have suffered as a result. And just think how nice it would have been to avoid the Queasy Cam.

Movie Review - Chronicle (2012) (PG-13)

Although Chris never officially studied film, film theory, or even journalism in college, his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Creative Writing has taught him to appreciate story, character, and the imagination - all aspects that apply to the movies, and if there's anything his years of living in Los Angeles has guaranteed him, exposure to movies would be at the top of the list. He has always appreciated the art of filmmaking, but it wasn't until 2006 that he began writing reviews on various websites for new releases. Still residing in L.A., his reviews can be read at his website,

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Most Force Factor Reviews Are Not Entirely Truthful - Be Cautious When Reading Force Factor Reviews

Anyone that spends significant time in the gym wants to be able to get the best workout that they can. You talk to your friends to find out what is working for them and what you should probably stay away from. The good thing about this is that you can get a lot of free information. The bad thing about this that you can get a lot of information that is not true. Searching on the Internet is not a whole lot different when you are looking for supplements. It is the same thing with Force Factor reviews. It is not hard to find a whole bunch of Force Factor reviews that will tell you that this product is the greatest invention since the wheel. While Force Factor is a very good product, many people are simply going overboard in their praise.

Most Force Factor reviews are simply going to tell you how great the product is and where you can by a months supply. This is where you may want to dig a little deeper and apply a little critical thinking. Many people really like force factor and have found the product to do exactly what it says. The problem comes in when you try it and you do not get the same results that they did. No product will work for all of the people 100% of the time, why should a muscle building product be any different.

Book Reviews

You can do yourself a favor by simply ignoring any force factor reviews that at the very least do not offer you a free trial. There are many sites that are trying to get you to buy a bottle at full price when you can get a trial free for 2 weeks. That way if the product is not for you, you can simply cancel the trial before you are on the hook for another payment. Who knows, it may actually be the supplement that helps you take your workout to the next level.

Most Force Factor Reviews Are Not Entirely Truthful - Be Cautious When Reading Force Factor Reviews
Most Force Factor Reviews Are Not Entirely Truthful - Be Cautious When Reading Force Factor Reviews

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Robert Kiyosaki Book Review

Robert Kiyosaki is a business man and knows how to make money on an intimate level. His book rich dad poor dad, is filled with practical advice anyone can apply to their current situation, to improve the quality of there life tremendously. If you want to learn how to be a successful entrepreneur, online or off, Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad will show you how step by step.

I enjoyed the personal side of best selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He goes into great detail about how his 2 different fathers in his words, thought about money, and the way they handled it. Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about how his one dad busted his but at a 9 to 5 conventional job, only to struggle to barely scrape by. He had the degree, a good wage, and the decent 9 to 5 job, so why did he struggle throughout his life with money?

Book Reviews

His other dad the rich dad taught Mr. Kiyosaki valuable lessons on money, and how to have money work for you? This dad understood how to leverage his time, and money, to work for him to make him a very wealthy man. He taught a young Robert from a very early age, the value of a dollar. Robert Kiyosaki's learned valuable lessons from both his dads, but he ultimately followed one dads path in life, and it made him a very successful, wealthy, businessman in the process.

Robert Kiyosaki Book Review

Mr. Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad also talks about secrets of the rich, such as building a residual income online and off. How the rich have multiple revenue streams working for them, bringing them residual income each and every month on autopilot. This is a secret the rich have known for years, that the poor parents do not teach there children.

Final review: Rich Dad Poor Dad is a very good book I enjoyed reading. Robert Kiyosaki's book is a must read for anyone looking to eventually get out of the 9 to 5 rat race of corporate life. It teaches you to think outside the box, and think rich to get rich. So if you want to read a quality, in depth book, that delivers on giving you the tips, and knowledge to succeed. Pick up a copy of Robert Kiyosaki's best selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad, trust me you will not regret it!

Think Rich To Get Rich, Thinking Outside The Box!

Robert Kiyosaki Book Review

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Friday, May 18, 2012

3 Forms of Website Advertising to Make Money From on Your Site

Being a webmaster is a very profitable way to make a living if you have a decent amount of traffic. This is one of the greatest ways to make a living because you don't even have to promote any products as in with affiliate marketing. You are rewarded for writing about what you already know about and love.
Everyone has something which they can talk about and contribute to the already crowded Internet, so you can translate your passions, your hobbies, or your education and parlay that into a well trafficked website through search engine optimization and dozens of other traffic sources.

Right now we'll look at how you can make money from 3 forms of online advertising which any webmaster can use to generate income simply through writing about what they love.

First, you have AdSense. This is Google's advertising network for webmasters who want to make money from their traffic. AdSense is all automated, and it puts tiny text based ads on your website based on the kind of content which you are writing about. When people click on these ads on your website, you are rewarded with a small commission for generating that lead. The more traffic which you generate for your site, the more money you make because the more clicks you'll be generating.

Another similar advertising network is Infolinks. Infolinks is similar to AdSense in that it put ads on your website; the fundamental difference is that the ads appear as clickable links within your text.

This makes these advertisements much less intrusive for your readers. It's also a lot more attractive as opposed to AdSense ads which can look a bit spammy. You get paid for every click and you get paid more per click than you do generally from clicks through AdSense, so a lot of webmasters are beginning to embrace in text advertising as a result.

Finally, you have banner advertising. Through banner advertising, you know exactly who the other webmasters who are advertising on your site are. They put a graphical ads around your website in spaces which you allow and they typically pay you a monthly flat rate rather than paying based on clicks in most cases.

The great thing about banner advertising is both but it's very profitable but at the same time it's also completely hands-free using an automated plug-in for WordPress called OIO Publisher. This is a plug-in which I use on a number of my websites which automatically deals with any advertisers interested in paying to put their banners and images on your website.

The plug-in notifies the webmaster/advertiser how much it costs to put up that banner and that particular space, lets them choose the location of your website where they put the banner using the spaces and advertising locations which you the webmaster have designated, and the plugin even handles payment from the advertiser and then pulls the ad once their contract has expired. The only thing that you have to do is approve the ad to go live on your site so you have final say to make sure that the ad is appropriate for your audience.

Make sure you check out this post on how to monetize a website or better yet sign up for my completely free 10 Day Fast Track Affiliate Course without spending a dime. That's 10 days of tips and tricks for learning exactly what it takes to make serious money online through affiliate marketing.

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