Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Book Review: An Outrageous Affair

In 1993 Penny Vincenzi wrote a wonderful work with a fairly complex plot that quickly and easily captures the attention of the reader. The story spans three decades from 1942 to 1972 and the characters who live on two continents are from three generations of one family

Caroline is the only child who feels trapped in a home where her mother suffers from mood swings and her father is rather distant. As she grows, she becomes interested in her own sexuality and, even though she gains short-term pleasure from the romantic relationships that she enters, each brings with it some serious complications.

Over time, Caroline becomes the mother of four children. She agrees that the older daughter can move from her native England to America with her father when they are separated and, throughout the story, tries to establish a healthy relationship with the girl from a distance.

Book Review: An Outrageous Affair

In the meantime, her second daughter feels unloved by Caroline and believes that this is because her mother is grieving the loss of her firstborn.

By the time that the two women become young adults, they have developed very negative thoughts about each other even though they have never met. Chloe marries a man who is much older than she is and is quickly disappointed by the way that he does not seem to care about or try to meet her needs. Her sister, Fleur, also suffers hurt and disappointment when she finds herself living with her aunts and grandmother after her beloved father heads to Hollywood in search of fame.

And so, each of these three women move in and out of affairs, only to be horrified when a journalist who is known for his sleazy but intriguing books, begins interviewing people and writing their story. Each family member is threatened by the fact that their secrets from both past and present will be made public. Their actions to prevent this, whether wise or foolish are often fueled by fear and anger rather than by wise planning.

Vincenzi uses 624 pages to weave the complex plot that involves thirty-one main characters, many of whom are interacting with each other in dysfunctional ways.

"An Outrageous Affair" includes issues that affect most families - love, sex, finances, careers, parenting, - and the consequences that individuals face when they make choices that affect themselves as well as others.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were portrayed in an intimate manner that made me feel like I could relate to each of them and understand what motivated their choices, but, at the same time, there were twists and turns in the plot that kept me guessing about what would happen next.

It is amazing to realize that this author has written so many wonderful tales of fiction. You may have read all of them or this may be your very first but, no matter what experience you have had with Penny Vincenzi, I believe that you will quickly become fascinated with the good reads that she offers.

Book Review: An Outrageous Affair
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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Importance of Book Reviews

The habit of reading is on the decline. Not many people consider picking up a book the ideal way to spend an empty afternoon.

Yet, there are people who are avid readers. They are on the lookout for quality material to read and constantly check out book reviews online. Regardless of how many people are actually into the habit of reading regularly, the importance of reader feedback cannot be ignored.

They Help Other Readers

The Importance of Book Reviews

The most obvious advantage of book reviews is that they help readers decide whether or not to read a book. Not only this, people also decide whether to buy the book or borrow it from the library depending on the opinions of other readers. By writing your own such opinion, you help readers find quality content.

Boost Readership

By helping readers, you can actually boost the readership for that author. If you write a positive review of any book, more people are likely to read it. Businesses can have their books written up and use them for promotional purposes. By engaging customers through reading, they have a viable marketing platform.

A negative book review can have the same effect, though you wouldn't think so. Many times, when a book is panned by fellow readers, people read it to see what the fuss is all about. However, you should not post a negative review just for the sake of doing so. Rather, try to balance the positive and negative aspects of the book in your opinion.

Analyze the Material

When you read, you don't always grasp all of the information the author is trying to share. Writing a book review helps you to analyze and understand the material better. There may be some points you have overlooked which become clear once you write about what you have read.

So, you are not only helping others but improving your own understanding of the book.

These are the three key points that signify the importance of book reviews. But you should not choose just any book. Find books that are relevant and that people would be willing to read. A good rule of thumb is to select the types of books you like to read.

Here are some topics that are read frequently:
General Business Personal and/or professional development Material related to a certain field How-to books for improving business acumen

Writing book reviews for books related to any of these topics will help out a lot of people who want to enhance their knowledge.

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Books on certain topics attract more readers. Writing book reviews for them enables you to help people select the best books related to those topics.

Mary Klaebel is the owner and primary writer at She enjoys reading as much as she enjoys writing and welcomes new book reviews.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Book Reviews - 5 Steps To Creating A Killer Review That Sells Books

I'm often asked how to write a professional book review. It's quite simple and follows a basic format. My reviews are well read, often sell books, and not always positive. It's possible to write a negative review and still sell books! You must know how to put the words into organized thoughts and promote as you write.

First Step: The Hook

This is my favorite part of the review. Create a hook from the book that brings the reader back. This is usually a single line with a few sentences of support that gives the reader the gist of the book, without telling the ending, and offers a profound peek at what's inside the book. This isn't about you or the author, it's about the book.

Book Reviews - 5 Steps To Creating A Killer Review That Sells Books

A black aging finger rotting to bone lying on the sand was just an indication of more to come. Can you imagine the anguish of the person who located the finger as the story unfolded to reveal the slaughter of a human body, bit by bit? Untold mysteries brought prognosis and speculation, on each page of the book.

Second Step: The Title Pages

This offers the reader information about the book, including where the book is published, the author's name, the title of the book, and if an option, where you purchased the book and it's value. I rarely give actual price in this portion of the review, but rather choose to mention value.

This is an excellent read and left me wanting to read more by this author who has published numerous other books including: (list titles of other books here).

Third Step: The Storyline & Plot

Here I choose to give a glimpse of the plot, still without telling the ending of the story. I offer information about the story that might help the reader determine if this story is one they want to read.

This thriller novel bore little resemblance to horror, offering thrills instead by way of judification of the plot, intricate details of the characters in the plot, and selective factors of the investigation that led to the imprisonment of the wrong suspect. Twists and turns in the investigation reveal little of the actual crime but instead focus on how one man was seduced into a pleading that left him without recourse. And yet, he never pled guilty to murder.

Forth Step: About the Author

Tell your readers what the author offers by way of credentials. Give them a glimpse into the author's life and share a few details that bring the author and this rendition of a specific plot line to life.

The Author of this novel piques my interest because in prior writings, she's always presented authority figures in ways that leave you with an understanding of the workings behind the scene. This book was no different. Her detailed accounts of the investigation give you direct comprehension of the lag between real criminal activity and prosecution. You begin to understand that you don't have to be guilty to be accused of a crime, and they find ways to prove you guilty.

Fifth Step: The Wrap Up

Would you read it? Why should they buy the book? Is it worth the time and effort they'll spend on the book? What will they get out of it?

This book is a page turner. Once you pick it up you won't want to put it down. You'll be flipping pages to see what happens next, even after you're done. It doesn't end... This book leaves you wondering what happens, because it never actually reveals who the killer is. Hints that the suspect behind bars isn't the killer are all through the book, but there's never a solution. Help! Somebody tell me how it ends!

Offer drama and closure with your final statement, and give your review reader a choice to buy the book or not. But more significantly, offer the reader of your review a purpose to go get this book in the review.

Reviews can be as few as 200 words, or as many as 2000. The choice is yours. How much do you want to write about what somebody else got paid to present?

Book Reviews - 5 Steps To Creating A Killer Review That Sells Books

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Who Uses a Book Review Company?

You might wonder who uses a book review company to review books. There are a variety of different people who might want to use a book review company. Most of them are unknown authors who have published through self publishing or through a small press.

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The face of book publishing has changed dramatically over the past few years. There are more smaller publishing houses and self publishing houses available today more than ever. Because these companies are able to print on demand, using computers instead of presses, it is now more affordable than ever for someone to self publish and easier to find smaller publishing houses that will publish your book for you.

The problem is that some of the very good books that are being published by small presses and individuals are not getting the recognition that some of them deserve. There are stories of people sending classic novels to large publishing houses to see if they even read manuscripts submitted by unknown authors, only to find them returned with a rejection letter. It is very difficult for an unknown author to be able to get their work noticed by any of the big publication houses. For this reason, many people are choosing to publish their own novel rather than compete with noted authors who are on contract for serious money to produce books for larger publishing houses.

Who Uses a Book Review Company?

So how does an unknown author who has published his or her first book by use of small press or self publishing get noticed? One way is to use a book review company. A book review has two purposes - it will give the reader a taste of what the book is about and why they should buy it and also recommend the book. Both of them steer the reader of the book review into buy the book.

A book review company will be able to let others know what the book is about. Even if your book is listed online in a prominent place, people will want to know what the book is about before they buy the book. Also, because a book review company will give a favorable review of the book, this will add to the marketing plan.

Books are not like other products as no two are a like. This makes them tough to market. Book reviews are the primary source of book marketing but it can be tough for a self published author to get their book reviewed by the New York Times, if not close to impossible. This is why a new author needs the services of a book review company.

Who Uses a Book Review Company?

Michelle Spoils is a consultant and author. Find out more by visiting

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