Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some Tips to Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car can save you a lot of money, and if you know how to shop around for a used car, you can get a great vehicle that will last you a while. The trick is to take as many precautions as you can to make sure you're not getting a faulty car. Here are some tips that should help you out.

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Read the Reviews

Checking online for car reviews will let you know what car publications and car owners think of the make and model of car you're thinking of buying. Keep a special eye out for a car's crash test rating and economy rating.

Some Tips to Buying a Used Car

Check the History

There are many companies that can provide you with the history of a car if you give them the VIN number. Always ask for the VIN number of a car your seriously considering buying and get a history report before you make the offer. A history report will let you know if the car has been stolen, repossessed or been in any major accidents in the past that could signal that it's a potentially bad buy.

Check the Blue Book

The Kelly Blue Book will let you know what the average price of any make and model is. This is useful to know when you're shopping around and bartering. You'll know when the seller is asking too much or too little, which makes it easier to get a fair deal.

Test Drive

Test drive the car before you buy it. Take it to various different kinds of roads to see how it feels. Pay attention to the noises and check that all features work well. To test the breaks and handling, go to an empty parking lot, if one is available.

Get it Inspected

Even if the car seems fine and you've looked it over and test driven it, it's always a good idea to get it inspected by a professional mechanic. If you offer to pay for the inspection, no reasonable seller should refuse. It's not that expensive to get it checked and it could save you a lot of dough in the long run

Don't Shop Alone

Bringing someone along with you when you go car shopping is always a good idea. It will give you a second perspective and help keep you level-headed.

Some Tips to Buying a Used Car

For more tips on buying used cars and avoiding purchasing a lemon, please contact, the most knowledgeable California Lemon Law attorney.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Reconciling Intercompany Accounts


Intercompany accounts are accounts in an organizations' General Ledger that represent a balance of payments due from, or to, entities related by common ownership or control. For instance, If company "A" makes widgets and sells them for 0 to a sister-company, company "B," an intercompany relationship exists, or should exist, in the General Ledger where Company "B" has an Intercompany Payable to Company "A" and, conversely, Company "A" has an Intercompany Receivable from Company "B."

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At the end of each month, the consolidated Intercompany Accounts Receivable and Intercompany Accounts Payable must have the same balances, a debit for the Intercompany A/R and a credit for Intercompany A/P.

Reconciling Intercompany Accounts


Many companies have reconciliation issues related to intercompany accounts. For many, this problem can cause the books to be kept open for days or weeks longer than necessary. I know of a company where it was not unusual to have the intercompany accounts out of balance by several million dollars every month. Unless a company institutes the appropriate controls to keep the balances in check, the problem will continue to grow and as it multiplies, it will become utterly unmanageable.

The reasons for these out-of-balance situations usually start out very small - If Company "A" from the previous section sells a widget to Company "B" for 0 and charges freight, but the Purchasing Dept for Company "B" tells their Accounts Payable Dept that it's not on the Purchase Order, so we aren't paying it, the company will have an out-of-balance situation if the issue is not resolved by the end of the month. Many companies also pass an intercompany charge to their subsidiaries based upon their Working Capital as an inducement to keep Working Capital as low as possible to avoid excessive intercompany charges. If there is a disagreement in the calculation, this could also cause an imbalance in the Intercompany Accounts. Any lack of clarity on the part of the entity passing the charge, or a lack of acceptance on the part of the entity receiving the charge, has the potential to cause an out-of-balance situation.


Our experience ranges from entities with only a few entities and huge problems with balancing the accounts, to huge companies with thousands of entities which have very few issues in getting the accounts to balance.

There are seven primary causes for out-of-balance situations with Intercompany Accounts:
Lack of clarity in what the receiving entity is being charged for Lack of clarity in the calculation of an intercompany charge Lack of communication by the entity passing on an intercompany charge Lack of communication by the entity receiving the intercompany charge Lack of consideration by the entity passing the intercompany charge Ineffective policies and/or procedures for addressing intercompany charges Lack of effective course for resolution of disputes

We could, of course, break this down into four categories:
Lack of clarity Lack of communication Lack of consideration Lack of support from Corporate

but I wanted to illustrate that the responsibility for both communication and clarity rests with both the receiving entity and the passing entity; and Corporate can fail to support the reconciliation process in many ways, of which, policies, procedures and dispute resolution are the most common.

In researching this issue, we have seen a lot of technology-related solutions on the market and, no offence to the programmers, tend to be significantly more cumbersome than the processes that they replaced. These solutions will not cause your accounts to balance, they give you the ability to enforce the process from a higher level. Enforcing the process without addressing clarity, communications, and additional corporate support, will only yield minimal, if any, results and cause an even higher level of frustration because of the investment in systems without the expected Return on Investment.


By definition, the responsibility for ensuring that Intercompany Accounts (or any accounts, for that matter) rests firmly with the Controller of the organization. Some organizations may not have a person with the title of Controller, but it is usually apparent who the person is who carries out the controllership functions. In virtually all organizations, the Controller must own the Balance Sheet of the organization and be the guardian of the financial policies and procedures. By extension, as the Controller must own the Balance Sheet and support the reconciliation process, executive management i.e. CFO, CEO, Vice Presidents, etc.. must support the Controllers' authority to enforce the timely reconciliation of the Intercompany Accounts.

Most organizations that develop intercompany issues have a matrix or semi-matrixed reporting structure. This situation has the nasty habit of splitting allegiances. It must be clear that the Corporate Controller for the parent company is the final arbiter in the reconciliation of Intercompany Account disputes with and between subsidiaries, unless the resolution is in violation of a law.

In the same way that the Corporate Controller owns the Balance Sheet of the organization, Division Controllers have the same responsibilities within their divisions and must be accountable to the Controller at the next level up in the organization. This responsibility chain continues to flow down to the Plant Controllers (or equivalent), who must also be accountable to the Controller(s) above them in the corporate food chain.


Establishing an environment that has an effective intercompany reconciliation process hinges on education. The education, however, must be preceded by top-down policies. These must include, but not limited to:
Responsibility for internal control Responsibility for reconciliation General process for reconciliation Specific format for reconciliation Transfer pricing policies Foreign currency policies Intercompany cut-off policies Formal confirmation policy & procedure Dispute resolution policy & procedure

After policies are in place (and controlled), the appropriate personnel will require training, from the top of the Accounting hierarchy to the bottom. Especially when initially implemented, the policies and procedures should be reviewed frequently to ensure that they address common company-specific issues that arise during the first few months of implementation. Great care should be exercised, however, to ensure that policies aren't changed simply to ensure compliance. Each time the policies are reviewed due to an issue, the question should be asked as to whether the problem lies in the policy, the procedures or the process. After effective policies are established and rolled-out through the organization, the issues that arise will normally deal with process or procedure issues. Remember, the policies are in place as a protection for the organization and the basis for processes and procedures that comply with the policy.

What if you're already down the road and have a huge reconciliation mess to resolve? The same laws of intercompany reconciliation still hold true. Policies, education, procedures and processes must be put into place to stop the hemorrhaging and the existing mess must be cleaned up. This should be attempted first with existing personnel with the explicit statement that if the accounts do not balance per company policy by a specified date, that a "fire team" will be assembled to assist the entities in the reconciliation process. This will usually be enough encouragement to get the accounts in order for the majority of entities, because nobody wants Corporate to show up and start helping - that is probably second only to the IRS showing up to help.

Early in this paper, it was noted that many of the technology solutions can be more cumbersome than a company's current processes. We are not saying that technology can't help, technology can help or augment if you have effective policies, but the policies must be in place, must be effective, and must be enforced or the technology solution will just be more ingredients added to a spoiled soup.

Often, in this lean world, Corporate doesn't really have the man-hours to spare to address these reconciliation issues among the operating entities. In this situation, a third party can assist in the reconciliation process or in troubleshooting the policies, procedures and processes to ensure a reliable process for intercompany reconciliation.

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John Leonard

John Leonard has more than twenty years experience in dealing with, and resolving, intercompany reconciliation issues in privately held, private equity owned, small-cap, mid-cap and Fortune 500 organizations. He has been a Regional Controller, Division Controller, Corporate Controller and a CFO. John holds a BSBA in Accounting and earned his MBA at Biola University.

For more information on intercompany or other general ledger account reconciliations please visit  or John Leonard at

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Virility Ex Pill Review - What You Need to Know About Virility Ex Male Enhancement Natural Pills

Reading a Virility Ex Pill review can give you the facts that Virility Ex Pill is one of the most popular male enhancement products in the market today. It is actually considered as the answer to men's sexual concerns.

Male enhancement pills are popular in terms of male enhancement products. A lot of men are searching for different natural male sexual enhancement treatments and techniques that can help them enhance their sexual vigor. To purchase the best product that will help you improve your sexual performance in bed, it is recommended to research all the information and reviews that can give you facts about these male natural enhancement solutions.

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The secret to male sex enhancement pills is their ability to support the healthy flow of blood, which can be achieved by having a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to avoid smoking, drinking and other bad habits and eat a well-balanced diet that must be combined with regular exercise. Having a low libido is naturally caused by aging and the use of sexual enhancement pills can help men restore and increase the flow of blood in the penis and reverse the damages done by aging.

Virility Ex Pill Review - What You Need to Know About Virility Ex Male Enhancement Natural Pills

A Virility Ex Pill review can tell you that the product has the ability to improve men's virility. VirilityEx pills contain natural ingredients that are proven effective and safe. It has various natural extracts and important chemicals that help in prolonging the effect of the pill. Some of the important herbal ingredients included in most male sexual enhancement natural pills are yohimbine, maca, goat weed and Asian ginseng.

Remember to choose the best natural male enhancer products that contain thoroughly tested herbal mixtures that have been utilized in various countries such as Africa, South America and Asia for many centuries. These herbal concentrates should have the capacity to provide harder erections for longer periods of time, increased sexual activity and better sexual pleasure.

With a reliable Virility Ex Pill review, you will be able to determine the product's benefits that can help you in making your decision. If you are not too sure about a particular product to buy to help you improve your sexual performance during intercourse, there are lots of consumers reports review sites and forums for men with erection and early ejaculation problems that can point you to the right direction.

It is recommended also to visit the product website for more useful information regarding the components and ingredients used in manufacturing whichever product you intend to buy. If in doubt about the safety of the product, just write down the ingredients they contain and consult your doctor. I hope this Virility Ex Pills review will help you in choosing the best natural enhancement products for men to buy? Have a nice day!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love (Book Review)

The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love is an amusing book to read if you do not mind its risqué, even though inoffensive, phrases. The book is really about making choices when it comes to love, life, men, relationships, and marriage.

The queens, as the reader will know them, came into being during a 1982 St. Patrick's Parade in Jackson, Mississippi, when they threw sweet potatoes to their fans. Later the queens held a meeting and decided to adapt stage names for themselves for the sake of anonymity.

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The queens feel that "in any area of life, it is highly desirable to get other people--men--to do things for you whenever possible." The queens have deciphered a lot about this world, in addition to what makes it go round, plus what a queen's promise to a man is.

The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love (Book Review)

Some of their advice or ad-vices are: "Be particular," that is, choose well. "Be prepared, on account of you-just-never-know." "Educate your young, making sure you have the upper hand."

The queens have quite a few guiding suggestions, some old, some new, like "the guy who said the best defense is a good offense was no dumbass," and a queen must try to have five men in her life at all times in order to have the equivalent of one completely satisfactory man.

Fiancés and boyfriends, getting them or getting over them is another full chapter. Probably more than three quarters of the book is about men: men who love them; the man they are all looking for; men who signal danger; men who may need killing. Here the question is: "Is that a wedding ring in your pocket--or are you glad to see me?"

With all its kidding, naughtiness, and hilarity, "The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love" is a serious book, giving serious advice from the pulpit of southern womanhood, concerning relationships and life in general. "Life is too short--and too long--to spend it being miserable. Life may indeed be short, but it is, for a fact, wide. It is high time we started settling for more."

"The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love" is in paperback with 240 pages and an ISBN of 0609804138.

The author, Jill Conner Browne, exercises and runs constantly and is a weightlifting instructor at the YMCA in Jackson, Mississippi. In addition, she writes for the Mississippi Business Journal using the pen name, Betty Fulton. She has several books in publication such as "The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love," "Sweet Potato Queens' Field Guide to Men: Every Man I love is Either Married, Gay, or Dead," "God Save the Sweet Potato Queens," The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-Ass Cookbook (and Financial Planner), and "Sweet Potato Queens Wedding Planner and Divorce Guide."

Hence, if you are a woman, before you venture into printing your wedding invitations and before the groom says I do, this book will give you an upper hand in making a better selection. Even if it doesn't, it will at least make you giggle and forget about any frustration you might be experiencing.

The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love (Book Review)

This article has been submitted by Joy Cagil in affiliation with http://www.Prye.Com/ which is a site for Wedding Invitations. Joy Cagil is an author on http://www.Writing.Com.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Testing a Transformer - How To Accurately Test A Transformer

There is two types of transformers in the market- linear transformer and switch mode power transformer. The transformers design is different. Sometimes it is just referred as ac transformer. Linear transformer mostly used in radio, project kits, VCD and etc while switch mode transformer can be found in Monitor, Tv, Fax and so on.

A transformer consists of two or more coils wound on the same core. For power transformers, the core material is usually iron. For a radio-frequency transformer, the core material is usually ferrite or air. The basic property of a transformer is to change AC voltage. A transformer cannot change direct current voltage. A step down transformer has a lower AC output voltage at its secondary winding than the AC input voltage to its primary winding. Conversely, a step up transformer has a higher secondary than primary voltage. The transformer laminations or coating of shellac, enamel or varnish is to insulate adjacent turns from shorts between winding. I will not go too details about how transformer work and transformer calculation as you can read more details from most electrical and electronic transformers books.

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How to test transformers: Transformer failures are relatively rare in most electronic equipment, compared with other components. If too much current goes through a coil or winding, the winding heats up and can either open up completely, or the insulation between turns of wire can break down, causing the coil to be partly or completely shorted.

Testing a Transformer - How To Accurately Test A Transformer

Just like a coil, you can check continuity of any primary or secondary transformer winding. The actual value of DC resistance you read is rather meaningless, but at least you will know whether a winding is open. Checking linear transformer is quite straight forward. Apply the ac voltage to the primary winding and expect output voltage at the secondary side. No or low output voltage means the transformer winding has open or shorted winding. Look for any evidence of overheating, such as darkened or blackened areas or a burnt smell.

About how to test a power transformer-it is a little bit complicated. You cannot apply ac voltage to the equipment and expect the desire output at the secondary side without connect to load otherwise over voltage will happen (because you have removed all the secondary load) and will blow the power section which consist of power fet, pwm ic and etc. Switch mode power supply are designed to run with load while linear transformer can be test without load.

The best way to test a switch mode power transformer is first remove it from the board. Check only the primary winding as secondary winding failures are exceedingly rare. How do we know which one is the primary winding? Trace from the big filter cap the positive pin to see where the circuit goes. It will go to one of the pin of the transformer. Then look for the power fet middle pin which is the Drain and it will lead to another pin of the transformer. This two pins is the primary winding of the transformer. Checking the resistance of the primary winding only can reveal whether it is open but it cannot check if it has developed a shorted winding. Only by using a ringer test you will know if it shorted or not. A shorted turn in the primary winding can cause the power section to blow.

The cheapest ringer tester that i came across is Dick Smith LOPT METER or flyback tester. Just connect the probes to the primary winding and the result are instantly seen from the Led bar graph. 4-8 bar represent a good winding, 1-2 bar represent partial short and if the led goes off means there is a heavy short in the winding. Besides checking the transformer it can be use to check B+ COIL, horizontal yoke coil and flyback primary winding and ballast (choke).

The expensive ringer tester is from sencore equipment. Sencore LC102 and LC103C besides checking capacitor it also have the capability to check all kind of winding. Whether it is a low voltage transformer, high voltage transformer, current transformer, pulse transformer, electric transformer, custom transformer this equipment will be able to check and test it.

If you do not wish to invest on this tester you may use a light bulb to check it. Remove one of the primary winding pin and connect a 60 watt light bulb. One end to the circuit while the other to the transformer pin. If the bulb light and didn't goes off suspect a shorted winding and if the light goes off, the winding is ok.

Transformer repair is not easy and it require a good skill to do it. Most of the transformer repairer preferred to rewind bigger winding such as fan, car alternator and starter. Switch mode power transformer is a little bit difficult to rewind because of the small size and low price.

Testing a Transformer - How To Accurately Test A Transformer

Jestine Yong is a electronic repairer and a writer. For more information about how you can test electronic components like a professional please visit his website at

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Monday, August 13, 2012

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

I share the dream of many who one day hope to be able to leave big business behind in and start their own small business doing something they are 110% passionate about. Like many who feel this way, I continue to spend many hours and late nights reading, researching, and experimenting in the hope of finding that one business idea that is going to take off. As part of this ongoing journey, I recently read the book titled The 4 Hour Workweek written by Tim Ferriss. If the title alone wasn't enough to draw you in, the subtitle "Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join The New Rich" will most likely grab your full attention. The question though is does the book live up to the promises it makes? Keep reading for my full review.

Join The New Rich:

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Let me start out by saying that Tim Ferriss is a marketing genius! There is a reason The 4 Hour Workweek remains a New York Times Bestseller still even after almost 3 years since its release! That reason being Tim knows what people want to hear and how to sell it to the masses. It's important you know this going into the book as some ideas are great and some are pure marketing hype. Please don't take this the wrong way as you read this though. I respect Tim and the hard work he has done to achieve the success he has seen as such a young age. The Keywords of course being hard work!

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

They say don't judge a book by its cover. Upon diving into just the first few chapters of the book, which focus on Tim, his background, and his philosophy on lifestyle design; you quickly learn that he has anything but a 4 hour workweek and the path to his success happened simply because he has worked his ass off to get where he is! Tim's philosophy is that if you enjoy the work you do and it has true value, then it's really not work. Work is the stuff you have to do, but don't want to do. So while Tim might work 40 hours a week per-say, he aims to only being doing "work" by his definition for 4 hours total in a given week hence the title of the book.

Topics of Discussion:

Tim spends most of the time in The 4 Hour Workweek discussing the following major topics throughout his book:

* DEAL: Define your ideal lifestyle, Eliminate all the things that don't make you happy, Automate the work that remains, and become Liberated to live the life you always wanted.

* Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule): Roughly 80% of the outputs come from only 20% of the inputs. Focus on the 20%, eliminate the rest, and increase your productively and success.

* Outsourcing: Utilizing virtual assistants and outside help from all over to help accomplish and automate the work you need to get done. (time > money = maximize your free time as much as possible).

* New Rich: Stop living a deferred lifestyle in the hopes of one day being able to retire and really enjoy life. Start living, traveling, and doing the things you really want to do and see today instead of 20 years from now when you're old.

* Mobility: Being able to work from anywhere at anytime while also being able to travel the world and do the things you care about.

Tim does an excellent job with all of these topics minus the scattered fluff stories and self promotion bits scattered throughout the book. He makes some excellent points throughout his book on getting your business started and does an AWESOME job of providing extremely useful resources throughout the book to help you in starting your own business (many of which can also be used to simply work in general).

Worth Reading?

If you're looking to start your own business or simply be more productive with your work time (and you are able to decipher genuine advice from marketing), then I would highly recommend you read Tim Ferriss's The 4 Hour Workweek. The resources and tips alone that Tim provides in this book are reason enough to take a read through. While this book won't change your life like some might hope, it will provide you with some excellent insight into starting your own business. I am actually currently in the process of using some of the niche product testing tips Tim provided for another site I've been working on and have been quite happy with the results. So take some time to read through it and then be sure to share your thoughts over at my site.

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

Becoming a entrepreneur like Tim Ferriss of the 4 Hour Workweek is not an overnight journey, but rather one filled with many trials and errors. Check out the link above to read more book reviews like this one and to join me on my own journey to starting my own business. For more articles like this one, click here.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Best Books for Young Adults

This guide contains recommended books for young adults between the ages of 13 and 21. The goals of this guide is to encourage young people to read. Young adult don't really hate to read, they just say, "I don't like reading", "this book is so boring", they just haven't found the right book to read, this recommendations below might give them some new ideas about what to read next. There are thousands of new books published for young adults each year we pick only the best one.

"Twilight (series)" by Stephenie Meyer

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Author: Stephenie Meyer, Publisher: Little, Brown and Company 2005-2008, Language: English, Country: United States, Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Young-Adult Fiction

Best Books for Young Adults

Review: Twilight is a very dramatic but exciting love story between a regular, 17 year old, girl named Bella, and a gorgeous, nearly 100 year old, vampire named Edward. Bella is forced to move into the small town of Forks, with her father Charlie. There wasn't anything fancy in the town of Forks. It rains all the time, and the sun never seems to shine, this town has nothing great, until Bella finds the Edward Cullen. Once Bella finds the Edward, she can't keep thinking about them. I really enjoyed seeing Bella and Edward going through the ups and downs of their relationship, the fact that Bella and Edward have a mutant baby together just freaks me out to no end and gives me nightmares that keep me up at night. I fully recommend reading these books, enjoy this touching story that will leave you wanting more as you read into their romantic love story. Series: 1. Twilight (2005) 2. New Moon (2006) 3. Eclipse (2007) 4. Breaking Dawn (2008)

Similar Books: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, Tithe by Holly Black, Eragon & Eldest by Christopher Paolini.

"Wintergirls" by Laurie Halse Anderson

Author: Laurie Halse Anderson, Publisher: Viking, Pages: 278 pp (Hardback), Country: United States, Genre: Fiction

Review: Wintergirls is about an 18 year old anorexic girl named Lia dealing with anorexia nervosa. She wants to be thin, so thin that she disappears and her body is breaking down and dying because of it. The book begins with the death of Lia's best friend (also suffering from an eating disorder) who dies in a motel room all by herself. Lia not only deals with her anorexia, but with a broken family and cutting problems. This was definitely another amazingly heart-wrenching book written by Anderson about a painful topic that many girls are going through every day. For all of those who have read Speak, please take a look at Wintergirls! this is one of the best Young Adults books I have read.

Similar Books: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

"The Hunger Games (trilogy)" by Suzanne Collins

Author: Suzanne Collins, Publisher: Scholastic 2008-2010, Language: English, Country: United States, Genre: Adventure, Science fiction, Young adult

Review: The Hunger Games trilogy is a science fiction love story that takes place thousands of years in the future, where the United States is governed by one Capitol and divided into thirteen districts, the story is about a 16 year old girl Katniss Evergreen in a fantasy world called Panem (Latin for "bread") and who is "chosen" to fight in a to-the-death battle with other children in other districts, the winner of the Game will return with food for their district. The story is beautifully crafted and so unexpected. So many twists and turns that keeps your eyes glue to the pages. The first book was amazing it sets the story and fills us in on the history of Katniss Evergreen. The second book - has a twist in it that you don't see coming. The whole momentum of the story got slowed right down in the third book, the last couple of chapters in book 3 "Mockingjay" had me shedding tears for sure but she finally gets her happiness. I always enjoy reading a book that forces the reader to think deeper than what is simply on paper, and Suzanne Collins has mastered that with these books. The story is advertised as YA, but that doesn't mean it's suitable only for young adults.

Similar Books: The Maze Runner by James Dashner, A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.

"The Giver" by Lois Lowry

Author: Lois Lowry, Publisher: Bantam Books - 1993, Pages: 179 p. (paperback edition), Country: United States Genre: Soft science fiction, Dystopian fiction

Review: The Giver is an exceptional novel about everyday life in a community with no feelings, color, war, or pain, everything is completely organized. This book is written from the perspective of Jonas who is an 11 year-old boy and the main character of this story. He lives with his father and seems to look and act different than the other people in his community. Then all that changes for Jonas when he turns twelve and is selected to receive all the memories that the society has never known, memories that will change his life forever. I loved The Giver because the plot was very creative, the theme was magnificent, and the setting was vivid, Lois Lowry used great descriptive words to bring the book to life. It's one of the best novels to share with young people, a story that they will remember long after they have finished it.

Similar Books: Messenger by Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry.

"Harry Potter (series)" by J.K. Rowling

Author: J.K. Rowling, Published: 29 June 1997 - 21 July 2007, Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books (US), Bloomsbury Publishing (UK), Country: United Kingdom, Media type: Print (hardcover and paperback)

Review: J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series was a brilliant work of literature and fantastic for helping younger readers build their vocabulary and learn important life lessons. For anyone who hasn't read the series and has just watched the movies, the books are a must read. For those of you who are anti Harry Potter I would like to point out some of the saving qualities of these books. First, Potter has good healthy, relationships with adults. Second, Potter has relatives and a professor who do not like him. He shows that not everyone in the world will like you but that is not a requirement to having a good life. The books encourage imagination and creativity. There are other reasons but I think that J.K. Rowling has reintroduced reading for pleasure to our young adults and that is a feat indeed. J.K. Rowlings has a fantastic imagination. Harry Potter has been translated in over 67 languages, and the last four books were the fastest selling books in history. I recommend everyone to read these books because they have something for everyone: fantasy and magic, action and adventure, monsters, romance and laughter, anyone at any age will enjoy this set. Harry Potter Series also in Best Fantasy Books of All Time Happy Reading to all.


1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)

2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998)

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)

6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005)

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)

Similar Books: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

"The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak

Author: Markus Zusak, Publisher: Knopf, USA (March 14th 2006), Pages: 550 (Hardback & Paperback), Country: Australia, Genre: Novel

Review: "The Book Thief" is the story of Liesel a German girl living near Munich during the Nazi uprising. One walks through Germany in World War II, along with Liesel and her best friend. Liesel is a orphan because her mother and brother freeze to death. The other unusual thing about the Book Thief is its narrator, Death himself. Everyone in the whole world seems to adore this book, one that actually touched me, and even made me cry more than once. Considering that the book is set in Nazi Germany, one may expect to find a bit more brutality but its lighter, its at Young Adult reading level. This book has my highest recommendation if you like stories set during World War II, if you want to read about a girl with such strength and emotion that it'll tear your heart out.

Similar Books: The Messenger by Markus Zusak, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne.

"Percy Jackson and the Olympians (series)" by Rick Riordan

Author: Rick Riordan, Publisher: Disney Hyperion 2005-2009, Language: English, Country: United States Genre: Fantasy, Young-adult fiction.

Review: If you like adventures then you will like this book. A fun, quick Young Adult read that adds adventure as well as some history about Greek mythology, an awesome series, especially for fairly competent, but possibly reluctant, readers in 8th grade and up. The main character Percy Jackson 12-year-old teenage boy who sudden finds out his world is not what he thought it was and his life is suddenly full of magic, danger, and adventure. He is also being attacked by monsters out of Greek mythology. His mother brings him to Camp Half-Blood where he learns that he is the son of a god and a hero who has to go on a quest. I liked the idea of the Greek gods being located in the western hemisphere. I thought it was clever how Riordan incorporated Greek gods into the modern world in a very clever, fun way. Constant adventure and an easy to follow storyline keeps the attention of anyone and everyone that takes the time to sit down and open it, there is no excuse not to read this book because it is totally fabulous! Once you open it, it will keep you enticed all the way until the very back cover. It's not just a best book for young adults but for everyone, even us "adults" who still enjoy the kid inside us.


1. The Lightning Thief - June 28, 2005

2. The Sea of Monsters - May 3, 2006

3. The Titan's Curse - May 1, 2007

4. The Battle of the Labyrinth - May 16, 2008

5. The Last Olympian - June 12, 2009

Similar Books: Harry Potter Boxed Set by J.K. Rowling, Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr by Christopher Paolini.

"Hush, Hush" by Becca Fitzpatrick

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick, Publisher: Simon & Schuster - 2009, Pages: 391, Country: United States, Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance

Review: Hush, Hush is the story written by Becca Fitzpatrick. It is written through the perspective of the main character, Nora Grey, an average high school student going about her business as usual until her Biology teacher rearranges the class seating and places her next to the sexy, mysterious, dangerous-looking new kid, Patch Cipriano. who is revealed to be a fallen angel with a dark connection to Nora herself. However, the reasons that Nora isn't the typical high school girl are many: she is independent, even at her age, because her mom travels a lot after her dad passed away. Her best friend Vee is obsessed with all the things Nora chooses to ignore - boys, shopping, and drama. The way the book was written was amazing. It never left you bored, or wanting to skip a few pages. I would defiantly recommend this book to girls mostly it's a romance book and it doesn't really seem to appeal to boys. Once you open the pages, you will not be able to put it down!

Similar Books: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain, Torment by Lauren Kate, Nightshade by Andrea Cremer.

"Vampire Academy (series)" by Richelle Mead

Author: Richelle Mead, Publisher: Razorbill, Language: English, Country: United States, Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy

Review: The storyline is really great, and Richelle Mead uses flashbacks of what has already occurred to keep you guessing and to help fill you in at the right moment without giving too much away. Vampire Academy tells the story of Rose a seventeen-year-old Dhampir girl, who is training to be a bodyguard for her Moroi (Moroi are mortal vampires and wield the earth's magic elements fire, water, air, earth) best friend, Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir. In the process of learning how to defeat Strigoi (the evil undead vampires) in St. Vladimir's Academy, Rose finds herself caught in a forbidden romance with her handsome instructor, Dimitri Belikov, while having an unbreakable bond with Lissa. The story was an overall good read, the main character is independent and funny, to be honest it was better than twilight, while Bella is weak and dependent, Rose is the exact opposite, independent and strong. I loved watching the characters grow and develop especially Rose and Lissa. Throughout the series they mature so much and it is incredibly fascinating to watch. I will say that these books are for a more mature YA audience because there is mention of some more mature topics. I would definitely recommend this series. It's definitely my favorite vampire series!

Vampire Academy series:

1. Vampire Academy (16 August 2007)

2. Frostbite (10 April 2008)

3. Shadow Kiss (13 November 2008)

4. Blood Promise (25 August 2009)

5. Spirit Bound (18 May 2010)

6. Last Sacrifice [9] (7December 2010)

Similar Books: Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine, Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill, Chosen by P. C. Cast.

"Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson

Author: Laurie Halse Anderson, Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux (October 1999), Pages: 197 pp (first edition, hardback), Country: United States, Genre: Fiction

Review: Speak is a short novel packed full of tremendous emotions and that dealt with a tragic situation of 14 year old girl Melinda so realistically that it felt real. Melinda Sordino is an incoming freshman that called the police at an end of the summer party before high school started. She is friendless, outcast, because she busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops, so now nobody will talk to her. After that Melinda has been speaking less and less, to her parents and to the friends who have abandoned her because she called the cops during a summer party. Her parents begin to see that something is wrong. They want to help their daughter but don't know how to. This book is very well written from a teen's perspective, you really get inside Melinda's head in this book, you really do feel Melinda's pain, you just don't know the reason behind it until the end of the book, it's just unbelievable, how good the author is at doing this, the author does a spectacular job of capturing the essence of high school. Speak is a wonderful message of hope, with touches of black humor It's a very dark story but it is still funny too. I recommend this book to all young adults. Similar Books: Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

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