Monday, August 13, 2012

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

I share the dream of many who one day hope to be able to leave big business behind in and start their own small business doing something they are 110% passionate about. Like many who feel this way, I continue to spend many hours and late nights reading, researching, and experimenting in the hope of finding that one business idea that is going to take off. As part of this ongoing journey, I recently read the book titled The 4 Hour Workweek written by Tim Ferriss. If the title alone wasn't enough to draw you in, the subtitle "Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join The New Rich" will most likely grab your full attention. The question though is does the book live up to the promises it makes? Keep reading for my full review.

Join The New Rich:

Book Reviews

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Let me start out by saying that Tim Ferriss is a marketing genius! There is a reason The 4 Hour Workweek remains a New York Times Bestseller still even after almost 3 years since its release! That reason being Tim knows what people want to hear and how to sell it to the masses. It's important you know this going into the book as some ideas are great and some are pure marketing hype. Please don't take this the wrong way as you read this though. I respect Tim and the hard work he has done to achieve the success he has seen as such a young age. The Keywords of course being hard work!

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

They say don't judge a book by its cover. Upon diving into just the first few chapters of the book, which focus on Tim, his background, and his philosophy on lifestyle design; you quickly learn that he has anything but a 4 hour workweek and the path to his success happened simply because he has worked his ass off to get where he is! Tim's philosophy is that if you enjoy the work you do and it has true value, then it's really not work. Work is the stuff you have to do, but don't want to do. So while Tim might work 40 hours a week per-say, he aims to only being doing "work" by his definition for 4 hours total in a given week hence the title of the book.

Topics of Discussion:

Tim spends most of the time in The 4 Hour Workweek discussing the following major topics throughout his book:

* DEAL: Define your ideal lifestyle, Eliminate all the things that don't make you happy, Automate the work that remains, and become Liberated to live the life you always wanted.

* Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule): Roughly 80% of the outputs come from only 20% of the inputs. Focus on the 20%, eliminate the rest, and increase your productively and success.

* Outsourcing: Utilizing virtual assistants and outside help from all over to help accomplish and automate the work you need to get done. (time > money = maximize your free time as much as possible).

* New Rich: Stop living a deferred lifestyle in the hopes of one day being able to retire and really enjoy life. Start living, traveling, and doing the things you really want to do and see today instead of 20 years from now when you're old.

* Mobility: Being able to work from anywhere at anytime while also being able to travel the world and do the things you care about.

Tim does an excellent job with all of these topics minus the scattered fluff stories and self promotion bits scattered throughout the book. He makes some excellent points throughout his book on getting your business started and does an AWESOME job of providing extremely useful resources throughout the book to help you in starting your own business (many of which can also be used to simply work in general).

Worth Reading?

If you're looking to start your own business or simply be more productive with your work time (and you are able to decipher genuine advice from marketing), then I would highly recommend you read Tim Ferriss's The 4 Hour Workweek. The resources and tips alone that Tim provides in this book are reason enough to take a read through. While this book won't change your life like some might hope, it will provide you with some excellent insight into starting your own business. I am actually currently in the process of using some of the niche product testing tips Tim provided for another site I've been working on and have been quite happy with the results. So take some time to read through it and then be sure to share your thoughts over at my site.

The 4 Hour Workweek Review

Becoming a entrepreneur like Tim Ferriss of the 4 Hour Workweek is not an overnight journey, but rather one filled with many trials and errors. Check out the link above to read more book reviews like this one and to join me on my own journey to starting my own business. For more articles like this one, click here.

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